Simply add items to your basket and click on checkout where you will be asked for a few details to complete your order.
When confirmation of your order is received, this is to indicate that we are in receipt of your order. It does not indicate that a contract exists between us. We will indicate acceptance of your order, and hence a contract between us, when we send you a confirmation of despatch email. We have included this term to protect us in the case that a mistake has been made in pricing, we have inadvertently under-priced goods, or we are no longer able to supply a particular product for some reason. In the case of a change of price, we will always contact you first to ensure that the price is acceptable.
Title to all goods remains with Bohsat Candles until payment is received in full. When there is a dispute over a card payment and the monies are returned to the customer, then title of goods will return to the ownership of Bohsat Candles and the goods are to be returned or they will be collected.
For further information on the starting a returns process, please got to our shipping & delivery section.
All payment made are 100% secure.
For wholesale enquiries please use our contact us section to send us your requirements and we will endeavour to meet your needs.
Credit / Debit Cards